Guiding Principles
Based on the norms and guidelines from the life and teachings of Beloved Papa and Pujya Mataji, an attempt is made to adhere to the following guidelines in the Ashram:
- “God arranges everything in His own way and at the time He appoints.” Ashram therefore relies only on the Great Provider for carrying out its various activities.
- As the main thrust is given to accelerate the spiritual progress of the visiting devotees/aspirants, Ashram seldom involves in promotional activities and therefore maintains a low profile.
- “Omnipresent Papa’s Ashram means the whole universe. It is to enable us to learn this, that this Ashram was established by Beloved Papa.” Therefore, Ashram’s inclusive attitude respects all teachings of the various Masters.
- Relieving distress and rendering help to the needy and the deserving gets precedence over further expansion of the Ashram facilities.
- Ashram tries to ensure that all visitors get individual attention. Attempts are made to make them feel quite at home and prevent institutionalisation to the extent possible.
- “Hanging on always to an external prop in spiritual matters hampers an aspirant’s progress. Because his vision lacks then the flexibility for expansion and universalization. The centre of interest becomes cramped and localized, while his aim should be to comprehend and realize the Infinite nature and Truth.” Therefore, Ashram doesn’t have deity-worship and related rituals.
Ashram tries to ensure that all visitors get individual attention. Attempts are made to make them feel quite at home and prevent
institutionalisation to the extent possible.