Inside the Bhajan Hall, one finds the Shrine, the sanctum sanctorum. This small room was the Anandashram started by Beloved Papa in 1931. It was here that Papa and Mataji lived with a handful of devotees in those early days of the Ashram; it was the launch pad for their unique mission of Universal Love and Service. This room later became the shrine. The relics of Papa are preserved in a silver box, placed over a marble platform in the shrine, packed with the holy ashes of Beloved Papa, Pujya Mataji, Pujya Swamiji and several books containing Ram Nam written by devotees. To the right of the silver box, marble replicas of Beloved Papa’s and Pujya Mataji’s holy feet are embedded and to the left are those of Pujya Swamiji. Pictures of Papa, Mataji and Swamiji are placed on the wall above the platform. The walls of this room are adorned with pictures of Gurudev (Papa’s father and Guru), Papa at the age of 17, as well as images of the parents of Papa and Mataji.