Mother Krishnabai (1903 – 1989)
Mother Krishnabai, after being subjected to setbacks and shocks in her early life culminating in the passing away of her husband, came in contact with Swami Ramdas in the year 1928, and became his foremost disciple. She attained Self-realisation – Universal Vision – by implicitly following the teachings of her Guru, Beloved Papa, who, to her, was God Himself. An embodiment of love and service, Mataji was truly a mother to all who came under her spell from the very inception of the Ashram. Anandashram provided a field for the outward expression of her inner vision through whole-hearted, loving and selfless service to her Beloved Papa in the countless forms of those seeking spiritual guidance or material help. Day in and day out, she strove to serve the devotees as well as the poor and needy. For her, serving others was serving herself. As Swami Ramdas used to say, all the activities of the Ashram revolved on her perfected vision and unlimited love and dedication to Guru. After Swami Ramdas’ Mahasamadhi in the year 1963, it was left to Mother Krishnabai to guide the affairs of Anandashram and minister to her Beloved Papa's spiritual family spread all over the world. In spite of her poor health, she carried on her mission tirelessly till she attained Mahasamadhi in 1989.
– Mother Krishnabai