On God
“Be conscious always that the God that you pray to is within you and everywhere about you. His protection and grace are there ever for you. Be always aware that He is guiding you from within.” “The personal is He. The impersonal is He. As personal He is with name and form. The entire, universe is He in the personal aspect. In the impersonal, He is without name and form, without attributes, beyond the range of intellect to understand, beyond words to describe. In the personal aspect, He is love, light, knowledge, power, peace, bliss, purity. The Nirguna (impersonal) stands for peace, while the Saguna (personal) for Anand." “In the entire universe, He pervades as Shakti – the universe itself being His form. He is most manifest in man. Mahatmas and Bhaktas are He in full manifestation. Service of them results in the realization of Sri Ram in His personal aspect, i.e., as Love. Sri Ram is ever seated in the hearts of us all and we are all His forms. Saguna, Nirguna — everything is He. No sacrifice is too great to attain this supreme realization — this Darshan of oneness in many — this height of inexpressible peace and bliss.”